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Our Fire Prevention division is ready to assist with your fire prevention efforts!

We believe that preventing fire emergencies in our district is the best outcome for the safety of the public and our emergency responders.  Please contact us and our Fire Prevention staff will reach out to provide you with resources at your home or business.

Working Smoke Detectors Save Lives!

New construction materials and modern furnishings combust with a much higher energy release than legacy materials, meaning you could have as few as 2 minutes to exit your home from the time a fire ignites.  Properly functioning smoke detectors alert occupants to danger sooner, giving you and your family the best chance of surviving a fire.

Developing and practicing a home escape plan with all occupants of your home is a perfect addition to smoke alarm installation and maintenance.  Practice exiting your home using different methods, teach children to crawl under smoke, meet in a designated safe location, and call 911 early to start fire department response.

Maintain Existing Fire Protection and Detection Systems  

Commercial occupancies are required to undergo extensive design and permitting to ensure that employees and the general public are not adversely placed in danger in the event of an emergency at the location.  These systems may detect and suppress fire while alerting building occupants. 

Maintenance of these critical systems is vital to protecting building occupants in the event of a fire emergency.  These systems also assist the fire suppression crews by minimizing the damage caused from a fire in your building.